About PCL Group



Major Oil Companies Safe Loading Pass Scheme

PCL West Thurrock (Essex) are able to issue Safe Loading Passes (SLP) under the current major oil company scheme. The scheme itself is under revision and PCL West Thurrock (Essex) will be at the forefront of and changes to current practice.

Vapour Tightness Testing

PCL West Thurrock are able to carry out and certify vapour tightness testing to comply with current legislation for bi-annual checks. This service is also available to clients who have had work carried out that breaches the integrity of the barrel / discharge equipment, such as the replacement of a component, that could potentially result in a product leak to ensure it is fit to return to service.

Intermediate Tank Testing

2 / 3 Yearly intermediate tank testing using gas to ensure the integrity of the barrel from both external and inter-compartmental leaks. Current legislation allows this to be carried out at up to 3 yearly intervals, however it is more common industry practice to have this test carried out at 2 yearly intervals in –line with the Vapour Tightness Test

Periodic ADR Hydraulic tank Test

6 Yearly full Periodic Hydraulic Tank Test using water / gas to ensure the integrity of the barrel from both external and inter-compartmental leaks. Current legislation is that any tank manufactured after May 2004 and those tanks manufactured to ADR specification prior to May 2004 are subject to this testing procedure.

To arrange for a Tank Test appointment, please email PCL West Thurrock at: tanktest@purcom.com

Simply provide details of the tank requiring testing, your company’s name and your contact phone number, plus a preferable date for testing. Once we receive your email we’ll get back to you to make final arrangements for the test.

Scott Fowler - Service Manager – 07850 731928 –  scott.fowler@harris-group.co.uk